This is a nail game changer! This is Lexan Gel by BLUESKY!
A product so different from the rest that will take your manicure to the next level! You can use Lexan Gel by BLUESKY for physical strengthening, for your broken nails or for durable nail extensions with smooth finish.
Yes, you can do all of the above with one product and in just 5 seconds! Its innovative formula for nails enhancement, is the best fit solution for broken, short, rough nails!

It has a thick texture, it is transparent, with a crystal-clear result offering the best canvas to express your creativity! It is not harmful for the nail and it is a Cruelty-Free Vegan product, making it absolutely safe for your nails.

Designed for all nail lovers, professional and beginners, Lexan Gel will make you feel confident to use it as you can easily apply it with a brush, offering you a long-lasting 25-day effect!

So, whether you opt to “Fill”, “Fix” or “Extend” and in just 5 seconds, BLUESKY has the answer for you. Make the Lexan Gel yours now and create the most stunning manicures without any worries.